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Questions and Answers

Below you will find answers to many common questions about Felsted Giving Day 2024.

How do I get in touch?

Please email

What is Felsted Giving Day?

Felsted Giving Day is a chance for the entire community - students, parents, staff, OFs and friends to come together, celebrate the school, and help make a difference through fundraising.

What are we fundraising for?

All donations from Felsted Giving Day will go to our Bursary Programme. Our ambition as a school is to work towards having 10 fully-funded students in the Sixth Form at any one time, always. Check out our bursary stories here for more details.

How can I get involved?

You can involve by taking only 3 simple ways:

1. You can make a gift to support our Bursary Awards Programme

2. You can Like Felsted’s social media posts  to show your support and check this Felsted Giving Day webpage for real-time updates.

3. You can follow and share posts using #FelstedGiving24 on your social media to influence more Felstedians for their support.

How do you process my gift and what does it cost?

Debit or credit card gifts are processed via Stripe and their processing fees are as follows:

 - Donations made via UK debit or credit cards are charged at 1.5% + 20p

 - Donations made via European debit or credit cards are charged at 2.5% + 20p

 - Donations made via non-European debit or credit cards are charged at 3.25% + 20p

My card payment for my donation won't go through - what should I do?

Please double check all information is inputted correctly, including how your name appears on your card. If you are still encountering any issues donating, please email

How will you use my information?

We want to stay in touch with you and will keep your personal data in accordance with your wishes. We will update your contact details, and we may use new information to communicate with you for marketing and fundraising purposes. A detailed statement on how your data is held and used is set out in our privacy notice, which you can read here. If you no longer wish to receive this type of communication from us or would like to change your preferences about the information we send you, have any questions about your personal data, or would like a paper copy of our privacy notice, please contact or telephone +44 (0) 1371 822544. Our Inland Revenue charities reference number is 310870.

Still have questions?

Contact us at